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What Is Complex Trauma?

an upset woman sits and leans to rest her head on her hand while one woman tries to console her and answer the upset womans question about what is complex trauma

Trauma, in its different forms, has a profound impact on individuals, shaping their lives in ways that may not be immediately apparent. Complex trauma, with its multifaceted nature, is particularly notable among these forms. It often arises from prolonged exposure to distressing situations. Recognizing and addressing complex trauma is crucial for the well-being of individuals affected and the health of our communities.

At Evoke Wellness at Chicago, we understand trauma’s impact on an individual’s life. Our PTSD treatment program is designed to provide compassionate, comprehensive support for our patients. Through a blend of innovative and evidence-based treatments and a caring, professional staff, we strive to offer a pathway to healing, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and effectively treating complex trauma for a healthier future. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us—call us today at 888.621.0969 to begin recovering from trauma.

What Is Complex Trauma?

Complex trauma refers to the psychological distress that emerges from exposure to several traumatic events or circumstances, often of an invasive and interpersonal nature, over a prolonged period. This can include but is not limited to, enduring abuse, witnessing violence, or living in a war-torn area. Unlike single-incident trauma, complex trauma arises from multiple traumas, impacting an individual’s self-perception, relationships, and worldview. Recognizing trauma’s complexity is vital for healing, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive treatment approach for recovery and well-being.

Causes of Complex Trauma

The causes of complex trauma are as varied as they are distressing, often rooted in continuously harmful environments that leave deep psychological scars. These can stem from prolonged exposure to abuse, neglect, domestic violence, or living in areas afflicted by chronic warfare or disaster. Each of these situations repeatedly subjects individuals to states of helplessness, fear, and betrayal, particularly impactful when the source of trauma is someone with a close personal relationship with the victim.

Recognizing the roots of complex trauma is crucial in understanding the profound and enduring effects these experiences can exert on a person’s mental well-being. By asking, “What is complex trauma?” this opens the door to deeper empathy and more effective support for those affected by this form of trauma.

Signs of Trauma in Adults

Trauma can manifest itself in a variety of ways, often surfacing in both physical and psychological expressions that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life and relationships. Identifying these symptoms is critical in offering timely and appropriate support. Some common signs of trauma in adults include:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness or despair
  • Difficulty sleeping or nightmares
  • Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts related to past traumatic events
  • Avoidance of situations or people that remind them of the trauma
  • Increased irritability or anger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of numbness or detachment from others

If you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs, Evoke Wellness at Chicago encourages you to seek help. Our compassionate team is ready to provide the professional support needed to navigate the path to recovery.

Call Evoke Wellness at Chicago for Complex Trauma Treatment

If you’re asking yourself, “What is complex trauma?” and find that it resonates with your experiences or that of someone close to you, it’s essential to understand that you are not alone. Evoke Wellness at Chicago is dedicated to offering a supportive and healing environment for individuals with the effects of complex trauma. Our team of professionals is here to guide you through your healing journey with empathy, understanding, and expert care. Call us today at 888.621.0969 or contact us online to learn more about how you can begin treatment for complex trauma.